by Drawing Pad | 29 March, 2012 | Blog, Drawing, Religion
Click images for more info
by Drawing Pad | 21 October, 2011 | Art, Blog, Drawing, Exhibitions, Religion, Sketchbooks
Extraordinary Sculpture in the Bode Museum. Amazing expressive black and white drawings and prints from Kollwitz Berlin Sketchbook Click the pics to see more info
by Drawing Pad | 12 September, 2011 | Art, Blog, Drawing, Religion, Travel
In church or on busses, it always the back of people. Surprisingly interesting!
by Drawing Pad | 17 September, 2010 | Blog, Drawing, Food and Drink, Religion
I enjoyed drawing the seated figures trying to use tone alone. The still-life, drawn a few days later, from a very traditional set up used with my students Click images for a larger view and more info.
by Drawing Pad | 6 June, 2010 | Blog, Drawing, Religion, Sketchbooks
Drawing the talks
by Drawing Pad | 19 January, 2009 | Blog, Drawing, Religion, Sketchbooks
drawing helps me concentrate and acts as a note of what was heard.