by Drawing Pad | 13 January, 2012 | Art, Blog, Exhibitions, printmaking, Travel
I submitted and had this wood cut print – renamed Encounter – accepted for the Mull It Over Exhibition in Brighton
by Drawing Pad | 10 March, 2010 | Blog, Drawing, Painting, printmaking, Sketchbooks
This quickly produced screen print developed from a recent small sketchbook drawing made in the life class.
by Drawing Pad | 2 January, 2009 | Blog, Drawing, printmaking, Sketchbooks
Two drawings made from imagination – thinking about Hokusai’s waterfalls
by Drawing Pad | 23 December, 2008 | Art, Blog, printmaking
Final colour printed today. The original drawing, on which the print is based, was made in a bar off Spring Street, New York, back in October. The print is 9ins x 6ins.
by Drawing Pad | 12 June, 2006 | Blog, Drawing, Painting, printmaking
I was sorting out folders of work at school and came across these drawings, painting and monoprint. They have been done in snatched moments at school. Sometimes alongside my students or after lessons. Although they are done so quickly they do have some really pleasing...